On 08/12/2020 08:18, Lothar K. Becker wrote:
> Find the SLIDES for this vote at
>     https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/Z6Y2YeDKHoRW3s8
> which are a subset of the initially shared PDF, that was made available
> via Nextcloud. Removed from the aforementioned initially shared PDF are
> the following slides, that are irrelevant for the vote: slides 2, 10-14,
> 20-26, 36, 50-53, 62-64, 84

        Having various Online pieces in this which have not been discussed in
the context of today makes this extremely difficult to vote for quickly
- particularly without a discuss thread.

        The last board call we had:

    + re-look at the marketing plan (Paolo)
        + believe we should remove LOOL mentions for now
        + should be a live plan, we can modify it
        + for the moment: don't spend time
           promoting LOOL until we have an alternative or
           an agreement

        That sounds very sensible to me; and:

        + see all slides - some should not be there (Lothar)
           + why I'm for this / that.
           + should have a version next week -
               separate these out.

        So I assumed these would be removed. If that is the case - then I
support the plan, +1, otherwise it will need significantly more thought.

        Was that an oversight in shrinking the slides ? and of course, luckily
it's a link so easy to tweak ?



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