
just a personal comment on this sentence in the draft:

With plans of a “rolling release” model, that results in more frequent
updates, e.g. biweekly or monthly, we want to improve this system.

Just to mention it: The rolling release idea was - among others - discussed in an ESC call in December last year (minutes at [1]). The topic was controversial back then and if I remember correctly, the consensus was to discuss this again once there is a clearer perspective on how that might work in practice (which involves much more than the question of how an automatic update might work, s. e.g. some concerns in the ESC minutes). To me as a non-native English speaker, the above sentence sounds a bit like there were already more specific plans than what I can remember from back then and I cannot remember (but might have missed) a follow-up discussion on the topic so far.

Anyway, I think that having a good auto-updater makes sense in any case, regardless of what decision will be taken regarding a potential rolling release model in the end (and therefore think the tender makes sense in any case).


[1] https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2020-December/086428.html

On 21/07/2021 13.04, Florian Effenberger wrote:

one of the approved [1] tenders is the

     Tender to implement autoupdater

The board would like to work together in public with all of you on this tender before it gets officially published. The current, second iteration of the draft is therefore shared at


The board is happy to get your feedback and proposals. We'd like to discuss this ideally in the next board call, i.e. on Friday, July 30, at 1300 Berlin time. Please send your feedback to the public board-discuss@documentfoundation.org mailing list.

Those with a conflict of interest (i.e. potential bidders) will be excluded from the point on the tender is published and evaluated.

Thanks a lot to Markus, Emiliano and several members of the ESC for working on the tender draft and helping us to write the second iteration of it!

Looking forward to your feedback,

[1] https://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/board-discuss/2021/msg00091.html

Florian Effenberger, Executive Director (Geschäftsführer)
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