Personally I believe that the possibility of speaking freely (whether trustee, 
member of the staff or BoD) should be encouraged, it cannot be that when 
someone says something I don't like, I invite them to shut up.

El 11 de abril de 2022 9:27:39 a. m. GMT-03:00, Simon Phipps 
<> escribió:
>Dear Board,
>I'm writing to ask you to implement some form of moderation on this mailing
>In the last week or so, we have seen participants abusing a [VOTE] thread
>and then a director further abusing it to chide the Board Chair for
>attempting to stop the abuse. We have seen over-frequent posting. We have
>seen content-free hostility expressed to long-established contributors.
>We've seen posts making no attempt to find positive content earlier in the
>conversation to amplify. While there have been one or two positive
>examples, this list has become a case study in a hostile online environment.
>Specifically I would ask the Board chair and vice-chair to act to remedy
>this situation so that this list becomes a safe place to contribute, and
>one where it is safe to make imperfect contributions that can be
>collaboratively evolved open-source-style towards better contributions.
>Many thanks!
>*Simon Phipps*, * Trustee, *The Document Foundation

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