1. Call to order & Roll Call

The meeting took place on 2022-06-30.
Present: Gustavo Pacheco, Gabriele Ponzo, Uwe Altmann, Marina Latini,
Shinji Enoki, Ahmad Haris

2. New Members

The Membership Committee has received Membership Applications since the
last review of the Membership Rolls, has reviewed these Applications in
light of the requirement as defined in the Statutes of The Document
Foundation, and has decided that the status of Member of The Document
Foundation will be granted to the following persons, for a period of 1
(one) year effective the first day of the third quarter of 2022:

Penny Martínez Díaz
Régis Perdreau

Approved by unanimous roll call vote.

3. Membership Renewals

The Membership Committee has received Membership Renewal requests since
the last review of the Membership Rolls. Memberships that are not
renewed in a timely manner are deemed to have lapsed.
The Membership Committee has reviewed these Renewal requests in light of
the requirement as defined in the Statutes of The Document Foundation
and decided that the following persons have their status of Member of
The Document Foundation extended until the end of the second quarter of

Jean-Baptiste Faure
Lior Kaplan
Irmhild Rogalla
Miklos Vajna
Christian Lohmaier
Simon Phipps
Michael Schinagl
Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Christian Kühl
Marc Paré
Gustavo Pacheco
Jean Hollis Weber
Jochen Schiffers
László Németh
Regina Henschel
Valter Mura
Juan Carlos Sanz Cabrero
Jan-Marek Glogowski
Heiko Tietze
V Stuart Foote
Noel John Grandin
Baurzhan Muftakhidinov
José Gatica
Ahmad Haris
Battsengel Ichinnorov
Mauricio Baeza
Ayhan Yalçınsoy
John Haller
Paul Georg Janzen
Pedro Pinto da Silva
Vladyslav Orlov
Rafael Henrique Palma Lima
Gerald Pfeifer
Tünde Tóth
Balázs Varga

The renewed members Gustavo Pacheco and Ahmad Haris abstained
from voting for their own renewal. For all the other members
the list has been approved by unanimous roll call vote.

4. Adjourning

All business being concluded, the meeting was closed on 2022-06-30.

Meeting minutes approved:

Gustavo Pacheco Keeper of the minutes
Marina Latini Chairperson

Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco, member of the Membership Committee
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint
My local Time: UTC-03:00 / CET-04:00

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