Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 17:13, Andreas Mantke wrote:
Hi Paolo,

Am 01.09.22 um 16:47 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:
Hi Andreas,

On 01/09/2022 16:34, Andreas Mantke wrote:
I wonder if it is useful to open a second (or more than that)
communication channel for this with Gerrit for code review (with an
email messaging) in place. I thought that Gerrit has been set up to make
the communication about patches more easy and help (volunteer)
developers. But maybe that's not intended with that project resource.

I'm not a developer so I probably cannot help directly but I'm
interested to know what issues you are experiencing.

I kind of understand you have submitted a patch to fix an issue and
you are waiting for it to be merged.

Is the waiting caused by the patch itself that has something wrong,
the tooling or simply someone has been busy and it hasn't been
reviewed yet?
The patch was reviewed by Jenkins and marked by a developer with +2 and
is marked ready to be merged.

OK so if it's ready to be merged what is stopping it from happening?

Sorry for probably asking silly questions but having more details
might help me and others understand how to avoid that issue.

I think there are no silly questions.  Hope my answer helps to better
understand the situation.

Sorry but it kind of made it more difficult to understand for me.

You seem to say that it's all fine and ready to go but then something is still not right.

Is there an issue with merging patches in general or with merging patches related to specific components?

Can you share a link to it so that maybe someone looks at it and spots the issue?



## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: https://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint

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