Hi all,

On 17/10/2022 05:09, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Hi all,

Andreas Mantke wrote:
if the person concerned (like in this case) has no issue to discuss the
topic in public there shouldn't be any reason to handle this in private.

There are good reasons to have a quick private discussion on the matter.
If there were good reason to have the meeting in private I would have expected to see supporting evidence shared with the board before the agenda was set. As of this morning nothing has been shared that would justify having even part of it in private.

I'm also the one that asked for that item to be put in the agenda and in the public section to get Thorsten to provide an update on the case.

Of course, if the rest of the board agrees, we can move all, or part
of that discussion to the public part.
Why should this excuse be used again for the same matter?

I'm the one being accused of something so I believe it's my right to have that session in public.


-- Thorsten


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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