I haven’t bothered anyone about Shifters in a while, but getting ready for the 
CX event tomorrow (classicexchange.org) got me going again.
I just got my new 1949 model on the air and it will be the chirp heard round 
the world tomorrow, 20m.  That makes FIVE!

Now to the question:
Does anyone have early (1938) Shifter literature?
I have all QST ads, but need a manual from the early model, not so much for 
info, since the circuit hardly changed through three models, but to complete my 

Also, I know the very earliest model had NO VR tubes, because I have a blurry 
picture of one, and that there was a model with ONE VR tube.  All mine, even 
1938, have two VR tubes.  Does anyone have info on when VR tubes were added and 
if model numbers changed?  Of course there is no model number on any shifter!  
Considering how voltage sensitive the Shifter oscillator is WITH VR tubes, it 
must have been a terror with none!

So, all you shifter lovers, please check if you have manuals and/or pictures of 
the earliest models, with no or one VR tube.

I’ll have three on CX tomorrow, so listen around .045 on 20, 40, and 80.  I say 
around because I never know quite where I’ll be!
I’ll also have  a TX few have ever heard.  You’ll have to hear me on 40 to find 
out what it is.

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