El Lunes 18 May 2009 14:52:34 Matthew Saunier escribió:
> > I really can't believe the way ideas are constantly beaten down on
> > this list. Please, look for something you agree with (as I did
> > above), and write about that before making a post that indicates
> > only that there are challenges to overcome. Such posts always
> > convey the feeling that the topic at-hand is a bad idea, and they
> > often seem to stifle any further constructive discussion on topics.
> > And since there's really no harm in this one, and LOTS of potential
> > GOOD in it, there's really no reason for anyone to refute the merit.
> Plus, not everyone runs Win32, or x86 - making the same compressed
> video render natively (and correctly) on all the platforms BOINC
> supports is a major task in itself, and adds to BOINC's dependency
> tree. Not to post just to be contrary, but that's the way it is.

He said the video would NOT be played in the manager, and I replied agreeing.
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