El Martes 09 Jun 2009 17:42:53 Patrick Wooldridge escribió:
> Hi. With the announcement that Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) will be
> released in September, I just wanted to recommend to those who are
> competent to do so, that a new version of the BOINC client for
> Macintosh be developed to take advantage of the enhanced
> multiprocessor support in Snow Leopard and perhaps at the same time
> incorporate use of the graphics processor. Thanks to all for your hard
> work and the continued success of the BOINC network.

The BOINC client does not use multiple processors. Project applications do.

I don't think any project would want to modify their apps to use the 
Mac-specific system for multithreading, since it wouldn't be portable to 
other platforms.
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