El Lunes 22 Jun 2009 17:13:52 David Anderson escribió:
> It's not clear to me how to solve this problem.
> Synopsis:
> - projects can configure their web server to send files in
>    a compressed form to clients that can handle it; see
>    http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/FileCompression
>    In modern (>= 5.4) BOINC clients,
>    the client tells libCurl to handle such compression.
> - The client keeps track of the bytes transferred N,
>    and if a transfer fails and is retried,
>    it sends a Range: header telling the web server to skip the first N
> bytes. NOTE: N is a count of uncompressed bytes; as far as I can tell,
> libCurl tells us only how many uncompressed bytes it's read.
>    But when send Range:N to the server, it skips N compressed bytes,
>    which causes the error Kevin points out below.
> I can think of 3 solutions, 2 of which I don't know how to implement:
> 1) If a file is compressed, always start the transfer from the beginning.
>    Problem: how does the client know if a file is compressed?
>    This is negotiated between libCurl and the server.
> 2) Keep track of the number M of compressed bytes transferred,
>    and tell the server to skip M bytes on retries.
>    Problems:
>    a) libCurl doesn't tell us M, as far as I can tell.
>    b) I'm not sure that Apache supports this.
> 3) Allow a <no_partial_transfer> flag in <file_info> elements,
>    telling the client to always start transfers from the beginning.
> Does anyone know how to implement 1) or 2), or have other ideas?
> If not, should I go ahead and implement 3)?

I'm discussing on IRC (for the n'th time) in what order HTTP expects range and 
content-encoding to happen. Are we supposed to get a piece of the compressed 
file, or a compressed piece of the original file?

In the former case, we *can't* let libcurl handle compression for us, since 
when we resume a transfer, we have to concatenate the new data to the partial 
*compressed* file. If libcurl handles content-encoding compression 
transparently, then the partial compressed data is never saved anywhere.
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