El Dom 12 Jul 2009 20:58:00 Lynn W. Taylor escribió:
> If every work unit went out, was out for a few hours, and then returned,
> 24/7/365, the problem I'm talking about does not exist -- the flow is even.

The problem I had involved no outages. A few hundred workunits went out, were 
out for a few hours, then the majority tried to come back at the same time. 
My project was running on a "home" Internet connection, so two or three users 
could be enough to saturate the project bandwidth.

But increase the numbers and it could happen to a "real" project too.
A project without a constant stream of work. It sends a bunch of workunits, 
clients get them and go quiet for a while. If most take around the same time 
to finish, you get a DDoS when they try to upload.
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