I didn't persue it last time, because I was using an old version of BOINC, and 
saw no reason to upgrade at the time - this was 2008 BC (before CUDA). I did 
ask if anyone could confirm my observation with a current BOINC, but answer 
came there none.

I am, however, glad that I posted on a message board rather than a mailing 
list: when the subject came up last night, it was easy to link back to the 
report so that everyone could see it (even if changes in highlighting 
conventions since then rather obscured the point I was trying to make).

Anyway, I've been back through my logs this morning, and look what I've found: 
even the version numbers at the top. And eight lines up from the bottom, a 
smoking gun.

Here is the network info from the host (today, but my network hasn't changed 
since last month). is a DrayTek Vigor 2600 Plus DSL router.

Windows IP Configuration

        Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : xxxxx
        Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
        Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
        IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
        WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 9:

        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8169/8110 Family Gigabit 
Ethernet NIC
        Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1C-25-2B-47-86
        Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
        Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
        DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
        DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : 19 July 2009 10:39:54
        Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : 22 July 2009 10:39:54

StartServiceCtrlDispatcher being called.
This may take several seconds.  Please wait.
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Starting BOINC client version 6.6.36 for 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops, cpu_sched, 
sched_op_debug, http_debug
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Libraries: libcurl/7.19.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8j zlib/1.2.3
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Running as a daemon
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Data directory: C:\BOINCdata
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Running under account boinc_master
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Processor: 4 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad  
CPU   Q9300  @ 2.50GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 7]
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 mmx
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Home x86 Edition, Service 
Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Memory: 2.00 GB physical, 3.85 GB virtual
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Disk: 74.52 GB total, 56.90 GB free
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Local time is UTC +1 hours
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] CUDA device: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver 
version 18585, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 86GFLOPS)
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home Beta Test] Found app_info.xml; using anonymous 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Not using a proxy
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [a...@home] URL: http://aqua.dwavesys.com/; Computer ID: 
17302; location: (none); project prefs: default
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [climateprediction.net] URL: 
http://climateprediction.net/; Computer ID: 919740; location: home; project 
prefs: default
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [CPDN Beta] URL: http://cpdnbeta.oerc.ox.ac.uk/; Computer 
ID: 351; location: school; project prefs: school
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [einst...@home] URL: http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/; 
Computer ID: 1226365; location: home; project prefs: default
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [lhcathome] URL: http://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/; 
Computer ID: 9681553; location: home; project prefs: default
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [or...@home] URL: http://orbit.psi.edu/oah/; Computer ID: 
3666; location: (none); project prefs: default
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/; Computer 
ID: 4292666; location: school; project prefs: school
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home Beta Test] URL: 
http://setiweb.ssl.berkeley.edu/beta/; Computer ID: 28361; location: home; 
project prefs: home
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] General prefs: from s...@home (last modified 
04-Apr-2009 20:08:29)
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] Computer location: school
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] General prefs: using separate prefs for school
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when active to 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 2047.23MB
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] Preferences limit disk usage to 37.26GB
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] File 02mr09ad.5238.7434.4.8.114 exists 
already, skipping download
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] [error] File 06ap09ab.20174.13978.14.8.198 has 
wrong size: expected 375335, got 0
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::init_get(): 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::libcurl_exec(): ca-bundle 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::libcurl_exec(): ca-bundle set
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] Started download of 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] [error] File 06ap09aa.20163.19295.14.8.138 has 
wrong size: expected 375328, got 0
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::init_get(): 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::libcurl_exec(): ca-bundle 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::libcurl_exec(): ca-bundle set
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [s...@home] Started download of 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [a...@home] [cpu_sched] Starting 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [a...@home] Restarting task 23jun09-160-3M-64-a_24_1_0 
using AQUA_CUDA version 329
25-Jun-2009 12:27:50 [einst...@home] [cpu_sched] Starting 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [einst...@home] Restarting task 
h1_0943.80_S5R4__1330_S5R5a_0 using einstein_S5R5 version 305
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] [cpu_sched] Starting 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] Restarting task 06ap09ac.28056.22976.11.8.57_0 
using setiathome_enhanced version 603
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] [cpu_sched] Starting 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] Restarting task 05ap09aa.27705.24612.16.8.64_1 
using setiathome_enhanced version 603
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] [cpu_sched] Starting 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] Restarting task 05ap09aa.27705.24612.16.8.39_0 
using setiathome_enhanced version 603
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] [sched_op_debug] Starting scheduler request
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] Requesting new tasks for CPU
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] [sched_op_debug] CPU work request: 193862.88 
seconds; 0 idle CPUs
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [s...@home] [sched_op_debug] CUDA work request: 0.00 
seconds; 0 idle GPUs
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::init_post(): 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::libcurl_exec(): ca-bundle 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] HTTP_OP::libcurl_exec(): ca-bundle set
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#0] info: timeout on name lookup is 
not supported
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#0] info: About to connect() to 
boinc2.ssl.berkeley.edu port 80 (#0)
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#0] info:   Trying 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#1] info: timeout on name lookup is 
not supported
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#1] info: About to connect() to 
boinc2.ssl.berkeley.edu port 80 (#1)
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#1] info:   Trying 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#2] info: timeout on name lookup is 
not supported
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#2] info: About to connect() to 
setiboinc.ssl.berkeley.edu port 80 (#2)
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#2] info:   Trying 
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#2] info: Connected to 
setiboinc.ssl.berkeley.edu ( port 80 (#2)
25-Jun-2009 12:27:51 [---] [http_debug] [ID#2] Sent header to server: POST 
/sah_cgi/cgi HTTP/1.1
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