Our servers are going to be going down before too long.

When they come back up I'll post an android version of wrapper to the
BOINC web site.

OpenCL isn't supported on all Android devices.  We are modifying BOINC
so that it can give us a better understanding of OpenCL support within
the Android community, but it is still a little ways out.

I don't know anything about RenderScript.

----- Rom

-----Original Message-----
From: boinc_dev [mailto:boinc_dev-boun...@ssl.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of
fabien monnier
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:39 PM
To: Boinc_Dev mailing list
Subject: [boinc_dev] Building Boinc wrapper for android + Advises for
GPGPU computing on Android with Boinc

Dear Boinc Dev community,
First thank you to have created this useful platform.

I am setting up my own Boinc server to resolve some scientific problems.
I want to target Android only devices for some reasons.

It is a little complicated to rewrite my application with Boic_API so I
would use my current binary that read a file.in file as a data input and
write the result in a file.out file as a data output.

I have some difficulties to get the android wrapper built.
Can someone help me ?

Actually I use pthread to boost my application, as my algorithms can be
spread to an unlimited number of parallel compute unit, I would extend
the computation to the GPU of Android devices.
Does someone have an idea of the best way to do it ? Should I write a
binary with RenderScript or OpenCL ? What are your recommendations ? Is
there any other way ?

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,
Fabien Monnier
Washington , District of Columbia, USA
fabien.monnier (Skype)
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