If instances of this problem are reported on SETI@home,
please ask them for the user ID (new and, if available, old).
-- D

On 24-Jul-2014 10:51 PM, Jord van der Elst wrote:
Yes, I think something is up with this as well, as I have also seen
multiple reports of this happening.
The latest that I so quickly can find is at

-- Jord van der Elst.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 8:16 AM, mike bader <mdba...@flash.net> wrote:
I have had more then one person claim to have this problem.
They reinstalled the BOINC client for whatever reason.
New version, new OS, hard drive crash, another computer.
They install BOINC then attach to SETI.
But select new instead of exsiting user.
They claim to proceed using the old email address.
They claim it creats anew id (zero stats) and deleted the old.
In the past this gave a message and did not create a new id.
Did something change in this area?
I assume it is user error or remembering what they really did :-)


Michael Bader kb8...@arrl.net
SEMCO, President presid...@semco.org
SHCC,  Vice President v...@sterlingheightscomputerclub.org

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