I will go ahead and modify the installer to put the version into the registry.

You can also execute:
boinc --version

That will return the version number and platform of the installed client.

All the client software should be using the same version number.

----- Rom

-----Original Message-----
From: boinc_dev [mailto:boinc_dev-boun...@ssl.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of 
Richard Haselgrove
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 12:42 PM
To: BOINC Dev MailingList
Subject: [boinc_dev] Feature request: discovery installed version of BOINC

My request is for the Windows operating system, but it may be applicable to 
other OSs as well.

Context: I am writing an updated installation program to deliver anonymous 
platform applications to volunteers' BOINC installations. Each time we release 
an updated version, we observe something of the order of 30,000 user downloads 
- we suspect the number of hosts involved is significantly higher, and we don't 
track all mirror site download numbers.

I am being pressured to provide selective installation on the basis of the 
BOINC version and mode (service/user) encountered. I can access program and 
data locations by querying the registry for INSTALLDIR and DATADIR 
respectively, and I can also check for the presence of a BOINC service (whether 
it is running or stopped).

If BOINC is running, I could query the client with an RPC, or - less elegantly, 
but simpler - pipe the response to a boinccmd -V into a file and parse that. 
But where is the version number of a stopped instance?

For the future, could it be added to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Space Sciences 
Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley\BOINC Setup by your installer, please?

And if anybody could answer the 'stopped instance' question in the near future, 
I'd be grateful.

[later: boinccmd reports:

C:\BOINC>boinccmd -V
boinccmd,  built from BOINC 7.2.42

Is that really the running client version, as the documentations says, or its 
own build number, as printed?] _______________________________________________
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