I've updated the wrapper wiki page to point to 26011 of the wrapper which 
should resolve this issue.



------ Rom

Sent from Surface

From: Bill Flynn
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎October‎ ‎3‎, ‎2014 ‎9‎:‎23‎ ‎PM
To: BOINC Dev Mailing List

Sorry, I was away and disabled email delivery.  This is my response in

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Bill Flynn <wfly...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> We think the problem actually stems from the sandboxed permissions of 
> boinc_project and boinc_master when Boinc is installed as a service on 
> Windows.  Doing
> net localgroup administrators
> neither boinc_master nor boinc_project were listed.  So we added
> net localgroup administrators boinc_master /add
> net localgroup administrators boinc_project /add
> to our install script and things worked fine after a restart.  I think it's 
> because each time the wrapper tried to communicate with the client, it didn't 
> have permissions to do so, and would exit; but then the client would see it 
> has a free CPU and would restart the job until we hit the 100 retry maximum.  
> As an administrator, the boinc_* user running the wrapper can properly 
> communicate with the client.  We are only running our own project, so I we're 
> not too concerned with the security implications of elevating the privileges 
> of the two boinc_* users.
> I had tried redownloading the wrappers from the WrapperApp site, but they 
> didn't solve the problem.  We also tried using the wrappers that come with 
> the debian7 virtualbox server; those didn't work either.
> Thanks,
> Bill

It looks like you're using an old version of the wrapper,
which had a bug causing the problem you're seeing.
This is fixed in the current

-- David

On 25-Sep-2014 10:02 AM, Bill Flynn wrote:
>* Hello,
*>>* We have developed molecular dynamics code which we would like to distribute
*>* to unused Windows 7 machines at our university.  The code was originally
*>* developed in Linux but we have recently compiled on Windows using Mingw.
*>* We are distributing the app using the Boinc Wrapper.
*>>* For both Windows clients where Boinc was not installed as a service and
*>* Linux clients where software was installed via apt-get (or similar), the
*>* app works well and returns successful results.  However, for Windows
*>* clients where Boinc was installed as a service, the workunits fail 95+% of
*>* the time with the following error message:
*>* 10:29:37 (2352): wrapper: starting
*>* 10:29:38 (2352): wrapper: running ../../projects/
*>* XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/impact_1.5_windows_x86_64.exe
*>* <
<>> (md.inp)
*>* 10:29:49 (2352): BOINC client no longer exists - exiting
*>* This repeats 100 times until the job returns unsuccessfully with an
*>>* I have tested this on several machines with fresh Windows installations
*>* where Boinc (7.2.42 Windows 64 bit) is installed as a service.  Given the
*>* list of possible issues here (
*>* http://boincfaq.mundayweb.com/index.php?view=116
<http://boincfaq.mundayweb.com/index.php?view=116>), I tried all
*>* configurations of disabled anti-virus, disabled Windows time
*>* synchronization, and disabled drive indexing with the service
*>* installation.  None of them fix the problem.  We also run with 50% CPUs
*>* used with no throttling.  We have tested these clients with other projects
*>* which have native Boinc applications, and they run fine.  Therefore, we
*>* think it is a interaction problem between the Boinc wrapper and Boinc
*>* client service installation on Windows.
*>>* Speaking of which, are the wrappers found here (
*>* http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/WrapperApp
<http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/WrapperApp>) up to date?
*>>* We are forced to run Boinc as a service in order to use these machines
*>* (university computer lab/library) and are several weeks/months away from
*>* getting around to restructuring our code to accommodate the Boinc API.
*>>* Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this issue?  I have attached the
*>* following files: job.xml, input_template, output_template, version.xml, and
*>* stderr.txt (from an example job).
*>>* Thanks,
*>>* Bill
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