Hosts or guests?

Using VirtualBox implies that your docker application would be running within a 
Linux guest.

----- Rom

From: Marius Millea []
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:10 PM
To: Rom Walton <>
Subject: Re: [boinc_dev] is there a way to persist files on the host

Hi Rom,

Yea, I think that's exactly what I'd need. I had started looking at the source 
for vboxwrapper, but if that's something you could add officially to BOINC then 
that'd be amazing, thanks!

My end goal btw is to have hosts running Docker, and this would allow 
persisting images between tasks. We'll see if there's any other road blocks...


On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Rom Walton 
<<>> wrote:
I can add another shared directory that points to a scratch area in the 
project's directory.

Would that work for you?

----- Rom

-----Original Message-----
From: boinc_dev 
 On Behalf Of Marius Millea
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [boinc_dev] is there a way to persist files on the host

(sorry if this screws up the threading, I can't figure out how to reply to a 
specific message given I receive only the digest?)

I see, that makes a lot of sense, thanks. I suppose a followup problem is that 
this is a VBox app, which AFAIK only gets access to the mounted shared/ folder. 
Is there any way around this?


The easiest way is to not tell BOINC about the file -
> just create it in the project directory, and look for it there in
> subsequent jobs.
> The app can get the project dir from the APP_INIT_DATA:
> -- David
> On 25-Jun-2015 2:10 AM, Marius Millea wrote:
> > Suppose the result of a computation yields a large file which I
> > would
> like
> >
> > 1) to remain on host
> > 2) to be used in subsequent computations
> > 3) to not be uploaded
> >
> > I think I know how to do 1), if I have the file in the output
> > template I can add the <copy_file> flag. Is there actually any way
> > to do 2 or 3 though?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Marius
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