Those calls affect CPU priority.
We're looking for something that changes I/O and memory priority.
-- David

On 9/28/2015 7:29 AM, Jon Sonntag wrote:
According to the MSDN documentation regarding SetThreadPriority:
"Sets the priority value for the specified thread. This value, together with the priority class of the thread's process, determines the thread's base priority level."

To make sure that GPU apps get access to the CPU when required but still run in the background, the Collatz apps use the following for Windows versions:

if (SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(),BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS))
SetThreadPriority(worker_thread_handle, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL);

I believe that boinc_init only allows idle or normal priority.Using the above allows the GPU apps to run at a higher priority than the CPU apps which is especially good when there are 8.5 cores (e.g. 8 CPU workunits and 1 GPU workunit @ 0.5 CPUs) allocated on an 8 core host.

Jon Sonntag

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 12:18 AM, David Anderson < <>> wrote:

    Windows has an API for reducing the priority of I/O and memory usage,
    namely SetPriorityClass(): 

    However - inexplicably - this arg can be used only by a process on itself, 
    another process.
    So we could call this from boinc_init() on Win, but it wouldn't work with
    existing apps.
    On 9/26/2015 2:13 AM, Christian Beer wrote:

        The main question here is: Is there a way to prioritize Memory and I/O
        access? If yes is it available on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux)? 
        not, is there a general way to get the load information from and 

        You would still have to distinguish between BOINC generated Memory and 
        operations and from other apps. This seems very tricky.

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