I've fixed the issue created by switching over to strlcat.

The warnings have, more or less, always been there.  We just suppressed them in 
Visual Studio 2005.

Unfortunately, what they suggest we use is not cross-platform.  So we are 
having to hunt down the cross platform equivs.

----- Rom

-----Original Message-----
From: McLeod, John [mailto:john.mcl...@sap.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 8:25 AM
To: Richard Haselgrove <r.haselgr...@btopenworld.com>; Rom Walton 
<r...@romwnet.org>; boinc_dev@ssl.berkeley.edu
Subject: RE: [boinc_dev] client in master is broken

The _s functions do a better job of avoiding buffer overruns.  IIRC, they force 
the programmer to tell the function the size of the target buffer.  

-----Original Message-----
From: boinc_dev [mailto:boinc_dev-boun...@ssl.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of 
Richard Haselgrove
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 8:18 AM
To: Richard Haselgrove <r.haselgr...@btopenworld.com>; Rom Walton 
<r...@romwnet.org>; boinc_dev@ssl.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: [boinc_dev] client in master is broken

And the resulting client failed with "A buffer overrun has occurred in 
boinc.exe which has corrupted the program's internal state. Press Break to 
debug the program or Continue to terminate the program."

Pressing Break dropped me into the source at 

>       boinc.exe!__raise_securityfailure(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS * 
> ExceptionPointers) Line 85      C 
boinc.exe!__report_gsfailure(unsigned __int64 StackCookie) Line 241     C 
boinc.exe!__GSHandlerCheck(_EXCEPTION_RECORD * ExceptionRecord, void * 
EstablisherFrame, _CONTEXT * ContextRecord, _DISPATCHER_CONTEXT * 
DispatcherContext) Line 91     C 
ntdll.dll!00000000775b8bbd()    Unknown 
ntdll.dll!00000000775a875f()    Unknown 
ntdll.dll!00000000775dd348()    Unknown 
msvcr120.dll!000007fef313c3f9() Unknown 
ffffffffffffffff()      Unknown 
0000000000000080()      Unknown 
boinc.exe!strlcat(char * dst, const char * src, unsigned __int64 size) Line 78  
boinc.exe!get_processor_features(char * vendor, char * features, int 
features_size) Line 1198   C++ 
boinc.exe!get_processor_info(char * p_vendor, int p_vendor_size, char * 
p_model, int p_model_size, char * p_features, int p_features_size, double & 
p_cache, int & p_ncpus) Line 1305   C++ 

On Tuesday, 16 February 2016, 12:59, Richard Haselgrove 
<r.haselgr...@btopenworld.com> wrote:


The fix you made last night solved the build problem in VS2013 - thanks.

But your overnight work on the 'low hanging fruit' has triggered a huge number 
of VS2013 warnings - 469 when building boinccmd, which includes the client 
build as part of the solution.

All seem to be C4996 - sample below. In each case, the 'consider using' 
suggestion seems to be to replace the function (several different functions are 
named) with function_s


Warning 469 warning C4996: 'ctime': This function or variable may be unsafe. 
Consider using ctime_s instead. To disable deprecation, use 
_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.

D:\Sources_build\boinc_head\lib\gui_rpc_client_print.cpp 238 1 boinccmd

On Monday, 15 February 2016, 20:29, Rom Walton <r...@romwnet.org> wrote:

Should be fixed now.

----- Rom

-----Original Message-----
From: boinc_dev [mailto:boinc_dev-boun...@ssl.berkeley.edu] On Behalf Of 
Richard Haselgrove
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 3:09 PM
To: boinc_dev@ssl.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: [boinc_dev] client in master is broken

I also found that the Windows VS2013 solution failed to build the client from 
tags 7.6.24, 7.6.25, and head.
Managed to fix it by adding references to '..\lib\project_init.cpp' and 
'..\lib\project_init.h' to the <ItemGroup> lists in both 
boinc_cli_vs2013.vcxproj and libboinc_staticcrt_vs2013.vcxproj

With that adjustment, head (debug) seems to be running. 


On Tuesday, 9 February 2016, 13:31, Oliver Bock <oliver.b...@aei.mpg.de> wrote:

On 09/02/16 14:10 , Rom Walton wrote:
> Should be fixed now.

Please, please, please. It's been about three years since we migrated to git. 
BOINC moved to GitHub just recently and tries to adopt a community governance 
model. It should really be possible by now that devs start using feature 
branches for development and save everyone else from periodic headaches. It's 
not hard by any means and it comes with huge incentives for everyone involved.

So please, use feature branches for development; merge to master when you're 
done with testing; don't break master; be happy; make everyone else happy...


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