With all the layout and colour updates how about a fresh new set of icons?
Einstein is using symbols from Font Awesome. I think they look very nice.

The symbols Einstein is using are:

new posts - fa-star-o
sticky - fa-thumb-tack
locked - fa-lock

BOINC's forum code uses a few symbols Drupal stuff doesn't so here's a few
suggestions for them.

profile - fa-user or fa-user-o
donor - fa-star
red x - fa-times
rate plus - fa-plus or fa-thumbs-o-up
rate minus - fa-minus or fa-thumbs-o-down
hidden - fa-ban

There's no good match for the stock donor symbol crown. Maybe fa-diamond
would work. If fa-star-o for new posts looks too much like Seti's green
star fa-comment-o would work too.

Another font is Bootstrap Glyphicons. The CSS for it is bundled with the
theme CSS. So that would be less downloading and parsing. On the downside
that font has less symbols.


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