Hi Toby,

Thanks for your input.

>From how I understand it . . .

BOINC tries to honor your resource share. When BOINC runs, it looks at your 
list of downloaded tasks, and does a couple "round robin simulations" to 
project what would happen if it'd schedule them according to resource share.

You can see these simulations yourself, actually, with the right debug flags. 
Use Options > Event Log Options > .... and turn on "rr_simulation", then 
inspect the Event Log. For even more detail, you can turn on "rrsim_detail" as 
well, but I don't think that level of detail is relevant for inspection here.

Every minute, BOINC re-evaluates the run list, as can be seen by 
"rr_simulation". For some of the tasks, you might see "projected to miss 
deadline." Those are the tasks that, if BOINC ran your projects' tasks by 
project resource share alone, these tasks would miss the deadline ... so the 
scheduler actually PRIORITIZES those to run IMMEDIATELY (in something called 
"earliest deadline first EDF" mode), ahead of any non-miss-tasks.

Note: These "high priority, EDF, deadline miss" tasks used to show as "high 
priority" in the UI, but that was removed because users confused that with 
"process run priorities".

Regarding task estimates, sometimes it takes a client time (in the form of 
several completed tasks), to get better estimates on how long a task will 
really take to run. Usually, if the client gets 10 or more tasks of a given app 
version, then the estimates get better... and rr_simulation gets better.

I would suggest you find out which app versions you have bad estimates on, and 
see how many tasks your device has done for that app version... and if the 
device has done enough, and the estimates are still way off, contact the 
project to see how they can help.

Long story short:  If no tasks are deadline miss, BOINC should be honoring your 
resource share. If tasks are deadline miss, BOINC prioritizes those ahead of 
resource share.

Jacob Klein

From: Tobius Borrett <tobyborr...@hotmail.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 8:45 AM
To: Jacob Klein
Subject: RE: Devolpement of BOINC

Dear Jacob Klein,

Thank you for your swift response. I understand that project’s importance can 
be altered by the resource share, but have never thought of implementing it in 
this way. I will try this now.  Also, what do you mean by  “projected deadline 
miss – high priority mode”.

Yes I do agree with the fact that it would be unfair to neglect far-out 
deadlines, but then, why don’t they just have deadlines that aren’t 2-3 months 
away. Infact, climateprediction.net sets tasks with a deadline of 1 year and 1 
month, but then the tasks do take about 32 days of  CPU time (single CPU). I do 
also agree that the expected time is not very accurate



From: Jacob Klein <jacob_w_kl...@msn.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 12:31:05 PM
To: Tobius Borrett
Subject: RE: Devolpement of BOINC

You are aware that, when no tasks are in “projected deadline miss – high 
priority mode”, then BOINC runs them according to your resource share, right?

Also, neglecting tasks with far-out deadlines, would be bad design, punishing 
projects that intentionally have relaxed deadlines but I'll expect work to be 

Perhaps you should focus on BOINC’s ability to estimate task completion, which 
sounds like it might not be working to well for your client.

From: boinc_dev <boinc_dev-boun...@ssl.berkeley.edu> on behalf of Tobius 
Borrett <tobyborr...@hotmail.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 5:56:46 AM
To: boinc_dev@ssl.berkeley.edu
Subject: [boinc_dev] Devolpement of BOINC

Dear Developers of BOINC,

I have had some problems with having a MASSIVE list of tasks to complete on my 
tasks page, with my prefrences asking for exactly 8 days work. Could you add a 
feature to have work completed in the order that it is due in, as I find tasks 
that have months and months seem to go first, and tasks that may only have a 
week or two, aren’t even started until after the deadline.

Thanks in advance,


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