

On Sep 17, 2011, at 2:21 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

we need to get our report to pat this weekend. what do you think about this?

BookKeeper status report for September 2011.

Bookkeeper is a distributed, reliable, and high performance logging
service. The project also includes Hedwig which is a highly scalable
Pub/Sub service built on top of ZooKeeper and Bookkeeper.

The website, jira, and mailing lists are all setup and functional.

We have some dependencies on the next release of ZooKeeper 3.4.0. Once
that release goes out, we will make our first release as a subproject
of ZooKeeper.

Current work is mostly focused on code stabilization, scaling the
number of topics supported to millions, and JMS bindings.


* 19 subscribers to bookkeeper-dev
* 16 subscribers to bookkeeper-user
* 67 issues opened to date
* 17 participants on Jira issues
* 9 patch contributors


research scientist

direct +34 93-183-8828

avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
phone (408) 349 3300    fax (408) 349 3301

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