> Jeff,
> Thanks. As regards times, we should definitely be using the time_duration
> from boost date_time!

Yes, but we'll need to do something with the core.  If you just used
posix_time::time_duration out of the box it is a bit of a heavy 
dependency for the need.

> Would you have any code references for the usage scenarios that you added ?

No, just some scenarios I thought of -- we would have to write code.
Unfortunately, all the 'example' code I have ever written in this
area is buried in closed source applications...

The other thing is that I expect most of the server examples to 
be pretty simplistic b/c you usually don't write much in the 
way of a 'real' server until you have sophisticated dispatching 
of I/O across multiple sockets or multiple threads. All this
is way out of scope for the basic socket class.  Of course,
given Boost.Threads and Boost.Function you are a long way


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