David Abrahams wrote:
> "Jeff Garland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 4) The MPL team used another Wiki to develop documentation.
> > Not sure how that worked.  Aleksey care to comment?
> I can tell you that it ended up being pretty one-sided. It was great
> for Aleksey - he had the whole Wiki on his local machine 

To clarify - at one point of time; when things were moved to
www.mywikinet.com, I lost my privileges :). 

I'll let Emily speak for herself, but IMO the collaboration part of doing
the docs in Wiki works pretty good. The main reason I switched to DocBook
later was the lack of the semantic/structural markup and all the nice
benefits it brings along (different output formats, automatic TOC
generation, better cross-reference capabilities, et al.).

> and could edit pages in his favorite editor 

Actually I _always_ edit them in the edit box in browser; it doesn't bother
me much.

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