David A. Greene wrote:
> Is it possible to have an MPL vector of MPL vectors?  

Sure. MPL sequences are polymorphic regarding their elements; everything
that is a type can be put into a sequence, and everything in MPL is a type

> When I try this, the compiler (g++ 3.2) complains about an incomplete
> type for push_back_traits:

[snip code]

The error is not related to the fact that you are trying to create a "vector
of vectors"; if you try to 'push_back' an 'int' into a vector, you'll get
the same diagnostics. Basically, what compiler is trying to say here is that
'push_back' on 'vector' is currently not implemented, - sorry! I know it
differs from what the docs say, and it's on my to do list. Meanwhile, if you
switch to using 'push_front' instead, everything will work just fine.
Sometimes 'push'-ing backwards (i.e. at front) makes things much
harder/messy than they could be, though, so let me know if that's the case

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