(You can ignore this message unless you run Boost regression testing software.)

We are making some reliability enhancements to the regression testing software:

* boost-root/tools/build/testing.jam changes ensure that changes to a library force dependencies to be rebuilt and rerun, and ensure that library build failures cause dependencies to also be reported as failed.

* An bjam option (--dump-tests) causes an output message associating test names with the test program. That increases reliability of status report library identification.

* The boost-root/tools/regression/process_jam_log.cpp and compiler_status.cpp programs have been updated to make use of the bjam and testing.jam improvements, and to work with the current filesystem library release.

These changes are checked into CVS on a "sane-testing" branch. Affected files are:


AFAIK, the changes are all working right now, and I'll switch the Win32 tests over today. But I'll delay merging the sane-testing branch in CVS until Friday to give users a bit of advance notice of the change.

To change to the new setup, do this:

* Rebuild bjam.
* Delete all bin directories (residue files are different).
* Change scripts to add the bjam --dump-tests option.
* Rebuld status reporting programs (use .../tools/regression/build/Jamfile)

Thanks to Dave Abrahams for the bjam and testing.jam improvements!


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