Dear Robert,

thanks for your comments to my posting

On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 06:58 PM, Robert Ramey wrote:

From: Matthias Troyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

5) "Versioning":  [snip]
overhead for version number is 1 or 2 bytes per class definition.
tracking the classes so far serialized is not expensive.  What
is expensive is tracking all the objects serialized so that pointers
can be correctly handled.
I was more concerned with runtime overhead, but this needs to be timed.

I see a two-pronged approach as the best solution:
a) both per-archive versioning, per-class versioning and no versioning
should be supported for compatibility with other formats (issue ii)
per-archive versioning can easily be handled by appending to a
default preamble.

b) if per-class versioning is used, it should be possible to turn it
off for some classes by a traits class - this will get rid of the
overhead (issue i) above) when versioning is turned off for a UDT.
hmmm - I will have to think about this.  Using MFC one has to take
extra steps to include versioning.  On my last commercial
project using MFC serialization I didn't do this on some
classes because I was assured that "that class will never change".
Of course it did after the first version of the application shipped
and ended up creating a lot of extra work.  So I resolved that
I would just "spend" the on byte per class definition and be done
with it.

similar logic applies to the archive preamble.  My original modivation
was the concern that existent archives never become obsolete
by improvements in code - including the archiving systems.  So
I needed a version for the archive system itself - hence the preamble.
I agree, but want to make these optional for backward compatibility to older archive formats.

6) "Advanced functionality":  [snip]
This analysis is in general correct. Bookkeeping for objects that may
be serialized as pointers is inherently expensive. And the current
system doesn't provide a clean way to skip this book keeping for
objects that are know never to be serialized as pointers.

Lately, I have been be cleaning up the implementation along the lines
suggested by G. Rozenthal. My intention was to make the library
more "provably correct" and "logically transparent". I didn't forsee
any change of functionality. However, as things get moved around
to a more logical organization, certain things sort of mysteriously
appear. In particular, the current library skips pointer bookkeeping
for fundamental types. In the future the types for which the book
keeping will be skipped will be alterable by the user similar to the
manner which you suggest. I believethat you will find that this addresses
your concern in a natural and complete way.

A really, really fundamental issue in the submitted library is
the usage of "Archive" as a virtual base class.  This is the
traditional way of separating interface from implementation.

a) we're used to it
b) it permits total separation of UDT serialization specification
from archive implementation.  UDT serialization specifications don't
even have to be recompiled for different archives.
c) logically decouples UDT serialization concept from archive
implementation concept.
d) permits any UDT serialization implementation to work with
with any archive implementation
e) less compile time dependency - implies simpler code and
faster compilations.

a) Does not permit archive implementation and UDT serialization
to be coupled.  This is the fundamental obstacle to serialization
in XML format.
b) virtual functions incurr some extra overhead in calling
The overhead of b) should be important only when large collections of data are serialized. As these are often array-like, I propose the additional virtual functions for contiguous arrays of basic data types

A newer way would be to use template specialization rather than
virtual base class to implement the interface / implementation

a) Permits archive implementation and UDT serialization to be coupled
thereby permitting archives to be "smarter" and facilitating implementation
of something like XML.
b) not virtual function call over head

a) we're really not used to it yet
b) requires coupling of archive and UDT specification. This can make the
system harder to understand and use in simple cases. System
requires recompilation of the everything for every combination
of UDT and archive used in a program.
c) significantly larger executables
d) much longer compile/build times
I think we have one more disadvantage:
e) will not be able to deal with polymorphic objects, since there are no virtual template functions

or is there a way?

In the submitted library, I chose option 1 primarily because of a)
Whether or not this is the best choice really depends on the other factors
mentioned above so I don't see an obvious answer here. In fact, for most
situations either would work just as well.
I agree with that choice unless somebody shows me how a polymorphic class can be serialized by calling a "save" function of the base class in the second approach.

Best regards,


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