----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Mensonides" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Anyway, I might still be able to make the original ideal work with VC and
> Metrowerks.  (You wouldn't believe how sick I am of those two compilers!)
> Give me some time....

Actually it is not possible anyway.  Not necessarily because of VC and
Metrowerks though, but rather because of Borland, Sun, IBM, etc..  The root
problem is this:


If 'x' is the name of a function-like macro, those preprocessors will
effectively concatenate 'x' to 'TEST_MACRO'.  This makes it impossible to
use extended semantics that allow you to pass a function-like macro.

In any case, I implemented everything and put it in the CVS:

#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/is_1.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/is_empty.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/is_empty_or_1.hpp>

Vesa, I just used my own copyright stuff, since I didn't know what to use
otherwise.  If you want me to change it, let me know what you want me to
change it to.

Paul Mensonides

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