David Abrahams wrote:


>>> Example:
>>> optional<int> i;
>>> new (i) int(17);
>> Ex. 1:
>> // Class Widget has a heavy copy constructor
>> optional<Widget> i;
>> new (i) Widget(this, ...);
> Soo... what are you demonstrating here?  Please spell it out. Normal
> construction of a widget in optional<Widget> incurs a copy?

Yes, it incurs a copy.  Maybe struct A is not a good example, but
TrollTech's QT widgets are.

struct A
    A(int) { cout << "A(int)" << endl; }
    A(A const &) { cout << "A(A const &)" << endl; }

int main()
    optional<A> o(A(9));


> Soo... what are you demonstrating here?  Please spell it out. The
> bool in optional that indicates initialization incurs space/alignment
> overhead?

Yes, exactly.  Sorry if I wasn't precise enough.

The bool type will cancel type_with_alignment<> effects (at least on Intel
compatible platforms); i.e. unique alignment of each optional<T> type.

Philippe A. Bouchard

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