Joel de Guzman wrote:

> Looks good. But why not overload the name "namespace" in as much
> as the CPP overloads #if #else ? I think the syntax should give a nice
> feeling since it is already looks like something C++ programmers are
> already accustomed to:

> Either way, any syntax will do as long as it works :) If you really
> want to go the import/export route, consider a modula-2-ish syntax:

I actual names of the directives I don't really care about.  #region/#endreg,
#scope/#endscope, #module/#endmodule are all fine with me.  I don't personally
like #namespace/#endnamespace, but I could live with it.  What I want (and what
we need) is the more general mechanism allowing named scopes.  My proposal,
including import/export, would allow both the current model and the more general

Paul Mensonides

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