I have experienced some difficulty with sorting lists of type:

list < shared_ptr < foo > >

> [snip]
bool my_class::operator<(const my_class& arg)
return m_val < arg.m_val;

> [snip]

//sort the list my_list.sort();

Here, you basically sort by using


instead of


You need something like

template< T > struct shared_ptr_content_less
  bool operator()( const boost::shared_ptr< T >& lhs,
                   const boost::shared_ptr< T >& rhs ) const
    return *lhs < *rhs;

and call

my_list.sort( shared_ptr_content_less< my_list >() );

The code is untested, but I hope you get the idea. Also, there might be some easier way using other boost-libs to create the helper on-the-fly, but others definitely know better than me :)

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey

aixigo AG - financial training, research and technology
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