On Wednesday 30 April 2003 08:44 am, Jacques Kerner wrote:
> Hi,
> I get the following error :
> error C2664: 'void boost::function0<R,Allocator>::assign_to(Functor)' :
> unable to convert parameter 1 from 'const CTaskManager' to 'CTaskManager'
> when doing this :
> class CTaskManager
> {
>     public:
>         CTaskManager();
>         ~CTaskManager();
>         void operator()() {}
>     private:
>         boost::mutex m_mutex;
> }
> and
> CTaskManager taskManager;
> boost::thread_group mainThreadGroup;
> mainThreadGroup.create_thread(taskManager);
> mainThreadGroup.join_all();
> The error dissapears when I remove the mutex from the definition of
> CTaskManager ... (?!!)
> So what is the right way to use mutex and threads together? Do I have to
> declare the mutex outside of the
> functor? Why?

Mutexes are not copyable, and when you pass taskManager to create_thread it 
tries to make a local copy of the function object . If you would prefer to 
pass a reference to taskManager to create_thread, do this:



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