Jeremy Maitin-Shepard wrote:

> The thread library as of boost 1.30 does provide a struct xtime, which
> is similar to timeval, except that xtime represents a time, while
> timeval represents a time duration.  The documentation for the thread
> library suggests, however, that xtime is intended as a temporary
> solution only, and that it will be replaced by a more complete boost
> time library.  I do not know whether William E. Kempf has already
> planned to make this change in the next revision of the thread
> library, but it seems that the Boost date/time library is precisely
> the library that should replace xtime; 

I think Bill and I both have this conversion on the todo list.  Not
sure when we will get to it.  I think the point still remains that 
if the thread interface is recast in terms of time_duration then
the thread lib will need to get access, in some cases, to a timeval
to adapt to the operating system.  Thus it seems logical we would 
put this conversion function into date_time since we have multiple
other libraries that might need this conversion.


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