I've run into a problem using sandbox::boost/sequence_algo/algorithm.hpp.
The header uses "boost::find", but that function can't really be used, 

1. (minor) it depends on new iterator adaptors, while I'm using sandbox with 
boost CVS. 

2. It's not possible to use boost::find, since, as I've previously reported, 
some code in standard library uses unqualified 'find' and, thanks to ADL, 
will find not only standard find, but boost::find also. Which will be 

3. I really don't understand what's boost::find is about. Seems like it 
manually unrolls search loop for random iterators. While this might be an 
optimization, I'm not sure it's worth the trouble in 2), especially since 
compiler might unroll the loop automatically.

Thoughs? I think that either
1. all content of non_modifying.hpp should be moved to namespace 
boost::non_modifying (or even better, boost::algorithm::non_modifying), or
2. non_modifying.hpp should be removed

- Volodya

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