E. Gladyshev wrote:

The library itself would be portable, the physical
layer (Win32 or else) is specified as a data type with
a bunch of static functions. It is similar to data
type traits in STL.  In other words the physical layer
is a data type that is used as a template parameter.
If you need to adopt the GUI/GDI template library to
another system, all you'll need to do is to create a
data type which defines the predefined traits.

Here is a simple example of the Bitmap and ImageList
templates and Win32 traits that demonstrates this
idea. Note: I have not tried to compile this code yet.

See, the problem is the fundamental abstractions in GUI programming are radically different. GUI programming in Unix for example is _dramatically_ different from Windows. One needs to worry about things like server side pixmaps instead of client side pixmaps and some of the modern widget kits (like Gtk+) have a complex OO design.

Not to mention the fundamental difference between message-based GUIs (like Win32) verses callback based GUIs (like X) verses signal/slot based libraries (like Qt).

It's not impossible, but it's very very difficult.

Anthony Liguori

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