Hi Jeff,

Told you I'd come back for more ;)
Here are some more improvements I would consider useful:

unary operator-(time_iterator).
Example: -hours(24) instead of hours(-24).
(seems more straightforward)

note: hours(24) can be also written as:
hours(0) - hours(24) but look ugly

Does a *FOUR* functions justify having a jam file?
(greg_month::as_short_string(), greg_month::as_long_string(),
 greg_weekday::as_short_string(), greg_weekday::as_long_string())

They could definitely be made static or something.
(or the user could be given a choice - using the date_time from a
 dynamic link library, or directly)

I've been recently involved in a project that used to use raw time_t's.
A conversion to/from time_t would come in very handy.
(at least one way would be enough).
I've created such a function:

#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>

// converts raw time to cool ptime structure
inline boost::posix_time::ptime rawtime_to_ptime( time_t raw) {
    using namespace boost::posix_time;
    using namespace boost::gregorian;

    tm details = *localtime( &raw);
    date day( details.tm_year + 1900, details.tm_mon + Jan,
    time_duration offset( details.tm_hour, details.tm_min, details.tm_sec,
    return ptime( day, offset);

pretty simple and straightforward, I think.

time_duration::fractional_seconds() seems pretty confusing.
As I understood by looking at the docs, fraction actually means

Why not use time_duration::nano_secons() instead?
(at first, I did not know what fractional_seconds meant)

In file gregorian_calenar.hpp, you
#include "gregorian_calendar.ipp"

I think to make it more portable, it should be:
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian_calendar.ipp>

documentation - does not say if greg_day starts from one or zero
(from experiments, I realized it starts from one)
Maybe this is not so important, but was confusing for me at first.

I think a wrapper like I've attached would be pretty useful for dealing
with time values - mainly for testing/debugging.

(as a matter of fact, this simple wrapper helped me a lot catch a few bugs
 from code written by others. all I had to do was replace time_t with

Short description:
- this allows writing times (to streams) in a user-friendly manner:
  besides the time_t value, a *word* that shows what the time_t value means.
- also, reading these values from streams can be done using the '>>'
  The cool thing is that both time_t and time_t_wrapper<> values can be read
  from a stream.

time_t_wrapper<> can be used in two modes:
- debug mode
- release mode (time_t_wrapper<> can be as efficient as time_t in release

In debug mode, each value contains a user-friendly string corresponding to
the time_t value.

As a side-note, this could be made much more general, to work for other
HANDLE-like types (for instance, HWND in Win32 or so).
What do you think?


John Torjo
-- "Practical C++" column writer for builder.com.com

Freelancer, C++ consultant

Attachment: time_t_wrapper.h
Description: Binary data

Attachment: time_t_wrapper.cpp
Description: Binary data

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