Gregory Colvin wrote:
> On Tuesday, Sep 2, 2003, at 12:27 America/Denver, Peter Dimov wrote:
>>  Then again, the Dinkumware implementation
>> dutifully calls construct and destroy, paying (and forcing me to pay)
>> the abstraction penalty price... so maybe I'm wrong, and
>> construct/destroy are useful?
> I don't see that there need be any performance price for what
> Dinkumware does, or is that not what you mean by "abstraction
> penalty"?

I'm not saying that there need be any price in a perfect world. I am saying
that in practice, on the compiler I use, there is a price, like calling a
non-inline destroy() O(N) times for a value_type that has an inline, empty,
nonvirtual destructor. Or even for a built-in value_type.

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