As promised, slides have been uploaded to linked
on Calendar2014 page history.

I uploaded PPTX and PDF but not ODP since it was for some reason 10MB.
(History? Embedded fonts?)
(I will be interested if fonts are wonky in either of the files.)


On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Bill Ricker <> wrote:
> TOPIC: Shell-Shocker CGI and Perl DoS bugs
> DATE: Tuesday, October 14
> TIME: 7:00 – 10:00 PM
> ROOM: E51-376
> SPEAKER: Bill Ricker (lead)
> We will examine the implications for the ShellShock BASH bug for Perl
> -- it's much wider than just about BASH CGI or even Perl CGI scripts
> -- and also a recently discovered/fixed but comparably long-lurking
> Perl DoS bug in a core module (Data::Dumper stack smash CVE-2014-4330)
> and how is it possibly remotely triggerable.
> The good news is ShellShocker was slightly over-hyped; unlike
> Heartbleed, this one does NOT generally affect the Internet of Things,
> you internet-enabled toaster is likely immune. But Windows and Mac are
> not entirely immune to this Linux bug.
> [ Anyone who has examined either bug or its implications is welcome to
> contribute or co-present - contacting me off-list is recommended,
> although in our interactive style I'll cheerfully include ambush
> collaborators. ]

Bill Ricker

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