​Also posted to Boston.PM.org wiki ...

   - Brendan Gregg <http://www.brendangregg.com>
      - FlameGraphs <http://www.brendangregg.com/flamegraphs.html>
         - CPU flameGraphs
      - Github <https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph/>
         - flamegraph.pl
      - DTrace.org Blogs <http://dtrace.org/blogs/brendan/page/12/>
      - LISA'13 "Blazing Performance with Flame Graphs
      [image: blazing-performance-with-flame-graphs-1-638.jpg]
      Blazing Performance with Flamegraphs cover
         - Video <https://www.youtube.com/embed/nZfNehCzGdw?rel=0>
            - Start of Advanced section
            <https://youtu.be/nZfNehCzGdw?t=3353> ... *where we stopped,
            continue from here*
         - Slides <http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/28010650>
         - Interactive Demos
         <https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph/tree/master/demos> on
      - Used in CPAN Devel::NYTProf
      - blog announce by Tim Bunce
      ​ ​

   - Julia Evans <http://jvns.ca/> Debugging and general dev blogs & debug
   zines - where i found the first links
   [image: debugging-tools-cover-50pc.png]
   Linux Debugging Tools cover to the above - highly recommended
      - zines <http://jvns.ca/zines/> -> debugging linux
      <http://jvns.ca/debugging-zine.pdf> from last week, direct
      inspiration for this talk

*​Ricky notes that LISA'16 is in Boston again, DEC 4-6 .*

*Plenaries include Brendan Gregg (Linux kernel 4.x new tracing),  the Radia
Perlman and That Tom Limoncelli.*
*It's more for Sysadmins & DevOps but cool stuff about the OS is cool, and
understanding how our Apps affect Sysadmins is good too.*

Note NO NOVEMBER tech meeting -
 2nd Tuesday in November in a Leap year is Election Day
- I presume most people will be watching a different channel that night.
Do we want a different night or week ? We usually do social in December.

Bill Ricker
Boston-pm-announce mailing list

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