> Next Meeting - Tuesday, October 10th -

Last-minute Speaker / Topic change / Github Continuous Integration for
Perl CPAN modules / see below.

> LIVE Speaker !
> ROOM Change (from spring): E51-372

We're sorry to report that due to circumstances beyond the speaker's
control, he won't be able to make it tonight for his talk on "Deep
Learning in Perl." We are tentatively rescheduling that talk for our
November meeting (update to follow). Instead tonight we will be having
a mini-hackathon on the Config::Std CPAN module that Boston.pm
maintains. We'll be offering a live demonstration of setting up
continuous integration (CI) using Travis CI and Appveyor, two hosted
CI tools made freely available for open source projects on Github.
Join us as we stumble through the process and learn from our mistakes.

Perl has had Test::Harness for decades, with CPANTS providing
distributed Continuous Integration testing of Released CPAN module
distributions for a decade or more. Thank you CPANTS volunteers for
creating a distributed cloud for us :-).  Now GitHub is offering
similar capabilities to all the other FLOSS communities via free
integration with freemium cloud Continuous Integration tools Travis-CI
(for Linux) and Appveyor (for Windows). Since we have CPANTS for
release, we can use Travis-ci&Appveyor to test our DEV branch after
checkin. They'll even test Pull Requests before merge!  Any Github
FLOSS project can use these, but Perl CPAN projects can make use
easily since we already have a regression testing culture, we won't
need to write the tests, just enable them.

> Parking Alert. Recent changes in MIT Parking Dept web pages (parking ,
> visitors, public ) no longer allow un-permitted parking after-hours.
> (This is a natural response to several other East Campus parking lots
> being eaten by new building sites for campus expansion.)
> Only legit parking is Cambridge meters (late hours! and several blocks
> lost to construction), free spaces on Memorial Drive (allow time for
> circling), and paid lot/garages.
> Come by Train, Bus, Bicycle, or Foot if you can!
> (Parking at MBTA Garages are convenient to T and not overpriced,
> unlike most in-town garages.)
> Also, construction detour is even longer than last time if driving,
> Wadsworth to/from Mem Drive & Amherst St to Amess both closed, only
> access by car is Wadsworth to/from Main St east-bound.
> Tech Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at MIT
> building E51, Sloan School Tang Center [not the other Tang building!]
> nearer to Kendall Sq than Mass Ave. (directions).
> Talk begins at 7:30.
> Refreshments in the hallway prior.
> RSVP for count encouraged but not required, to bill.n1...@gmail.com or
> Boston-PM list, by 4pm Tuesday.
> (NOTE: Fall 2017: we're moving back to the squarer room 372 (first
> door after the partition), not the wider 376 (second door) that we had
> the last several years)
> Future - Fall/Winter reservations
> *If you have a demo or talk idea, please, when would you like to
> present? Doesn't need to fill the full time.*
> Confirmed room assignments courtesy of MIT
> Room E51-372
> Tues, Nov 14th  ??Adam Russell "Deep Learning in Perl"??
> Tues, Dec 12th , 2017

Bill Ricker

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