On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 4:13 PM Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As usual, we'll skip the August tech meeting.
> Adam Russell has agreed to reschedule his talk on using a Perl kernel and
> D3.js Visualization in Jupyter Notebooks for September 10th.

Alas Adam has a product meltdown at the day-job just as he's starting
semester teaching, so we have to reschedule again.
(Real life is what happens when we have other plans.)

At least we have 30 hours warning this time.
Since we had significant off-mailing list interest, folks who'll only
receive CANCEL but not TOPIC CHANGE message due to the inadequacy of the
very popular MeetUp platform, we're choosing to Cancel as opposed to

If mailing list folks would like to have a social-dining meetup, make
suggestion on the list (please remove -announce from reply!) !

Bill Ricker
Boston-pm-announce mailing list

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