Check out the StackOverflow annual survey, regarding Perl and lots of other

If you go halfway down to the question "What Languages Are Associated with
the Highest Salaries Worldwide?" you'll see that Perl ranks high--higher
globally than in the US, but impressively high in both listings. Despite
also being listed earlier as a highly "dreaded" language (a category that
doesn't mean much because we don't know what experiece or prejudice the
respondents were basing responses on).

Also, in the "Salary and Experience by Language" section near the bottom,
you'll learn that compensation for Perl improves with experience--a nice
thing for some of our hoarier members to hear.

I was surprised how few people are using languages that are supposedly hot,
such as Go. O'Reilly book sales make these languages seem more popular.

The survey contains lots of other interesting insights, including ethical
stances and personal attributes such as gender identity or mental illness.
The respondents were skewed toward white cis-males. Some of the responses
were broken down by geography, but I wish more of them were.

Andy Oram  |  Editor
O'Reilly Media, Inc.  |  617-499-7479 |

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