With a Monday holiday this week for many, we'll take a pass on November.
(Hug any veterans in your life.)

We have a live speaker for December. While not exactly Perl, it's very much
a related art.

O'Reilly Author, hardware hacker, and product manager at which-ever Linux
company his business card says this week

December 10th - 7ish pm - MIT - as usual

Bash 101: the caffeinated shell scripting tutorial

Legend has it that you can [learn Perl in 2.5 hours](
https://qntm.org/files/perl/perl.html) — we want to distill the essence of
Bash scripting in a similarly short session. Federico will bring slides and
a “core” overview of this notoriously hard to master language, come help us
figure out what else is missing!

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