In Two Days
April 13th, 2020 7pm EDT (UTC-*04*, thus UTC *23*00 *13* APRIL), Online

Speaker: *Joel Berger*

Title: “*Mojolicious Nine Point Oh!* ”

Summary: In this presentation, Mojolicious Core Team member Joel Berger
will discuss some of the features of the recent Mojolicious 9.0 release and
how they can improve your web (and async) applications.

Where: JITSI - URL will be just-in-time posted on Wiki Calendar
<> and to email

Joel Berger is a Mojolicious Core Team member. He has a Ph.D. in
Instrumentation Physics from the University of Illinois at Chicago and
works at ServerCentral Turing Group. He lives in Chicago with his wife and
2 year old son.
"As seen on Perl Weekly newsletter <> and their iCal
<> calendar"

RSVP Optional to Bill Ricker <>; BYOPizza.

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