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> There is no strong legal support. Its all mired and mashed in
> what I call reDumbdant broad laws. Now what happens if say
> I'm in Scandinavia somewhere, join an IRC server in Japan
> which is linked and join that channel. I never traversed
> through US networks, nor do US laws apply there. Then what.
> Too many variables yet none will make sense because...
> You ready... Take out the magnifying glass and read this
> in much larger print: "There is not one law on the legalities
> of an IRC channel" (shh don't tell).

This was (part of) my point.  There is no legislation around this, so
they have to use legislation that doesn't really fit - not like we
haven't seen this before (DMCA anyone?).

Unfortunately, I don't have exceptionally good notes on the laws being
quoted - I will try to run that down, but I'm not promising anything.

All I know is that one lawyer, in front of a number of techies, gave his
interpretation of how he saw the situation from a legal perspective.
There wasn't a single person in the room who agreed with him, and
(probably) rightly so.

That said, IMNSHO, anyone put before a jury of their "peers" has a 50/50
shot (at best).  So, regardless of what legislation does or does not
exist, I'm going to spend a fair bit of time to make sure I don't ever
get in a situation where I have to find out which 50% I get.  That's the
only thing in this thread that I *know* - everything else is opinion or

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