To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Syngress was kind enough to allow me to post the chapter I wrote for
Botnets: The Killer Web Application ( 
my blog at SecuriTeam as a free sample.

It is the third chapter in the book, and requires some prior knowledge of 
what a botnet C&C (command and control) is. It is basic, short, and to my 
belief covers quite a bit. It had to be short, as I had just 5 days to 
write it while doing other things, and not planning on any writing, but it 
is pretty good in my completely unbiased opinion. ;)

For the chapter:
Direct link:

For the full book, you would need to spend the casAh:


Gadi Evron.
To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
All list and server information are public and available to law enforcement 
upon request.

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