Hello Friends:

I was talking to Bob by email yesterday, about enhancing bpython.
I mentioned, in part, this:

I'd happily donate to get paging capability so that we can see the rest of 
the pop-up doc-strings.
I don't think that capability ever existed (and if it does, I don't know 
how to use it). Would
adding this functionality be possible? For all the Python IDEs that I've 
tried (WingIDE PRO is my
favorite), I always fall back to the triple of:
    UNIX screen utility; VIM w/ Python IDE hooks; and bPython.

Bob suggested that I reach out to bpython friends here.

*bpython is very useful, and works just about anywhere. I really would like 
to see it evolveto have two additional killer features (for me anyway)*:

(1) Paging capability so that we can page through the rest of the pop-up 
doc-strings (as mentioned above).

(2) VIM ex/vi capability for statement recall, edition, search, etc. (like 
what 'sed -o vi'
does for us in bash).

Maybe this is partly done already. Who knows. =:).

But I'm wondering if there's any interest -- by one of the bpython 
developers -- to implement
the two items above in a donation-driven effort, which I'm happy to start 
Or maybe even a tiny kickstarter (although I don't how that works).

Let's bring bpython to v1.0 with the two enhancements above. =:)

Thanks & Warm Regards,

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