Don't Buy Wal-Mart for the Holidays

Wal-Mart engages in some of the worst labor practices in the
country: paying its employees substandard wages, forcing unpaid
overtime on its workers and refusing to provide affordable
health insurance.

This holiday season, pledge not to shop at Wal-Mart and to ask
your friends and families not to buy you gifts from Wal-Mart
until the chain:

    * Pays its one million workers a living wage
    * Provides affordable health insurance to its employees
    * Stops discriminating against women
    * Stops attacking employees who want to be represented by a
    * Ceases forcing unpaid overtime on its employees
    * Stops pressuring suppliers to lower their labor costs

Tell Wal-Mart that until it changes its ways, you will take
your holiday shopping to other stores and will urge your
friends and family to do the same.

Click here to take action!

Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread
the word about this important campaign!

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