At Stardate 20030610.1312, David Hobby wrote:

The analogy that comes to mind is somewhat like this. Your dog came and cr*pped in another's yard (list). I imagine that most people who see someone's dog do this are tempted to pick the results up with a shovel and throw it in the owner's yard (list). But then guests in the owner's yard are the ones who step in it--sorry!
Then your last sentence is analogous to: "If you don't like what my dog left in your yard, too bad. Please don't bring it into my yard, I'm trying to keep it clean. Or if you want, you can come put it in my garbage can (personal killfile)." Now how does that sound?

I have a better analogy for you.

Your neighbour has a dispute with you because you often play your stereo way too loud. Rather than talking to you directly (e-mailing you privately), he goes to the office where you work and loudly complains about your behaviour in front of all your colleagues (taking it to this list), who have nothing to do with your dispute. Now how would you feel?

Jeroen van Baardwijk

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