> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of The Fool
> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 5:47 PM
> To: Brin-L
> Subject: [Brin-l] rapturism

In my opinion, the "Left Behind" series is one of the things that really
gives Christianity a bad image.  I think they are awful stuff and I say that
as a committed Christian.  Even if one chooses to take Revelation as a
prediction of literal future events (which is logically impossible, given
its sequence of events), I can't see how they make any sense in terms of the
tenets of Christianity.  Revelation seems rather clearly to be allegorical
writing, no more to be taken literally than Christ's parables.

Just so that there's no confusion about the fact that not all Christians
respect that stuff.  I don't even *look* at the "fiction" section in
Christian bookstores; everything there seems to be escapist prattle, at

And I don't think it is Christ-like to condemn others, even implicitly, as
the Left Behind books do.  Christ himself said he came to save the world,
not condemn it.



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